Shimmer and Shine Wiki
Shimmer and Shine Wiki

Zoomicorns are minor characters in Shimmer and Shine.


Winged Unicorns native to Zahramay Skies introduced in the fouth season. Similar to Zoomicorns they are friendly and helpful creatures who are also the main mode of transport for residents of Zahramay Skies. The only known Zarhacorns, are ones belonging to Leah, The Genies, Rubi and Princess Adara. Using special bracelets Zahracorns can be called to assist their owners whenever needed.


Comming Soon


Zahracorns appear in the following episodes:


  • Zahrora, Zoomdust, Zadazzle, Azah, Dahliza are the only known Zahracorns with a name and a owner
  • Zeta is the only main character without a Zahracorn, not counting Zac, Kaz and Princess Samira
  • Even when the plot of a episode doesn't feature any Zahracorns, they'll still appear in the during the travel song before dropping Leah and the girls of to the main location of the episode before flying away
  • Azazelcorns are the dragon variant of Zahracorns


Genies and Humans
Main: ShimmerShineLeahZacKazPrincess SamiraZeta the Sorceress
Supporting: Princess AdaraGigiImmaCaptain ZoraEmpress CalianaLaylaShayaMishaNilaRubiArabellaUzma the Sea Enchantress
Minor: Zia and NivaMinuEzriAfinaAylaDaliaUlaSarahNadiaSea MonsterMona the Potion TeacherBibiMaraLeeleeNissaFarnaz
Main: TalaNahalParisaRoyaNazbooZain
Supporting: RocketLili and SaiMiss Squirrel
Minor: Razboo, Kazboo, and FrankGleamScallywagLuluAzizZahroraZoomdustZadazzleAzah
NopalDottyRainbowCogGobi the GlobBali the NilRohanGleamGaziZoomicorns (Zahracorns) • Fuzzle WhuzzlesThe Squirrels