Parisa is a main character in Shimmer and Shine. Description[]Parisa is Leah's pet Zahramay fox. After helping Leah and her genies foil Zeta's plan to use a camouflage potion to steal their Genie Gems and having bonded with Leah, Parisa becomes Leah's magical pet. As Parisa is a magical creature, Leah uses one of her wishes to create a place for Parisa to live near the fountain in the courtyard of Shimmer and Shine's palace which appears small on the outside, yet big on the inside. Parisa possesses the ability to camouflage herself, making her practically invisible. She can talk too. Looks[]Parisa has purple fur (lighter on her underside and darker on her back) and blue eyes. Appearances[]Parisa appears in most episodes from "Now You See Her" onwards, expect "Careful What You Wish For". Images[]