- A Genie Halloween
- A Lightning Colt for Shaya
- A Pirate's Life
- A Pirate Genie's Life for Me
- A Sorceress, A Genie Singer
- A Special Delivery
- A Tree-mendous Rescue
- A Very Genie Halloweenie
- A Walt Disney Masterpiece Shimmer and Shine
- Abraca-Genie
- Abraca-Nope
- Adara
- Adara's Bracelets
- Adara's Palace
- Afina
- Afina's Glitter Palace
- Ahoy, Genies!
- All Bottled Up
- All That Glitters
- Altivo The Horse
- Amir
- Andres Rodriguez
- Animated GIFs
- Arabella
- Arcade
- Ari
- At the Salon
- Ayla
- Azah
- Azar Bazaar
- Azar Bazar
- Azazelcorns
- Aziz
- Backyard Ballet
- Bad show
- Bali the Nil
- Balls
- Beach (Human World)
- Beach (Zahramay Falls)
- Bear
- Better
- Bibi
- Blank Page
- Blanks Pages
- Bling, Bling
- Boom Zahra-Bake
- Boom Zahra-Mom
- Boom Zahra Zahra
- Brave-ish
- Bubbles
- Buddies in a Bottle
- Bungle in the Jungle
- Caliana Caves
- Camping With Friends
- Cande Perez
- Captain Zora
- Careful What You Wish For
- Carnival
- Carpet Trouble
- Carpets
- Cartoon Network
- Cleanie Genies
- Cloud Palace
- Cog
- Come On Go
- Costume Chaos
- Costume Genie
- Costume Shop
- Cow
- Crystal Chaos
- Dahliza
- Daila's Workshop
- Dalia
- Dance Magic
- Dance of the Jellyfish
- Daniella James
- Dark Genies's lightsaber
- Darpoppies
- Darpoppy
- Daydreams Come True
- Deleted Scenes
- Deleted page
- Dino Might!
- Disco Sleepover
- Disney/Pixar & Sony Pictures Animation (DuckTales & Shimmer and Shine: Genie Tales)
- Disney/Pixar & Sony Pictures Animation (Shimmer and Shine: Genie Tales)
- Disney/Pixar & Sony Pictures Animation DTS SDDS Dolby Digital MPAA IATSE
- Disney/Pixar & Sony Pictures Animation Shimmer and Shine: The Movie - Feel The Light (1999) Walt Disney Records
- Disney/Pixar & Sony Pictures Animation ft. Zeta The Sorceress
- Disney/Pixar & Sony Pictures Animation with Rated G MPAA
- Disney Interactive Studios
- Disney Presents A Pixar Film
- Disney Publishing Worldwide
- Disney Store
- Dolby Digital
- Dotty
- Double Trouble
- Dragon Gem
- Dragon Pepper Tree Cave
- Dragon Pox
- Dragon Tales
- Dratalla Forest
- Dream Dollhouse
- Dream Dust
- Dress Up
- Earth (Human World)
- Easy As Pie
- Easy as Pie
- Emily Garcia
- Empress Caliana
- Episode Guide
- Episode page
- Escape Goat
- Eva Bella
- Ezri
- Farnaz
- Farnaz Esnaashari-Charmatz
- Feel Better
- Finally Powerful
- Flitter Genie
- Flower Power
- Flying Flour
- Forest
- Found You Day
- Freeze-amay Falls
- Frosty Fun
- Fuzzle Whuzzles
- Game On
- Gazi
- Genie Babies
- Genie Bottle
- Genie Gems
- Genie Jeweller
- Genie Treehouse
- Genie for a Day
- Giant Stone Jaguar Statue, Marshmallow The Snow Monster, and The Iron Giant
- Gigi
- Gleam
- Glitter Glitch!
- Gloop the Third (character)
- Gobi the Glob
- Going Going Getting Faster
- Gone Bowlin'
- Grab That Gem!
- Hairdos and Don'ts
- Happy Wishaversary
- Hotdog Havoc
- Hounded
- I Dream of Zeta
- Ice Palace
- Imagine Ink
- Imma
- Imma's Palace
- Imma/Gallery
- Imma (editable page)
- Infobox:Locations
- Işıltı ve Parıltı
- Journey to Zahramay Oceanea
- Justin Paul Kelly
- Kalliope Crystal Reef
- Kaz
- Keep Away
- Kevin McCallister (Steve Carell)
- Krita
- Ladybugs on the Loose
- Layla
- Leah
- Leah's House
- Leah/Gallery
- Leelee
- Legend of the Dragon Gem
- Let's Go
- Lightning Genie
- Lightning Strikes Twice
- Lightning in a Bottle
- Lights! Camera! Genies!
- Lights of Oceanea
- Lili and Sai
- Linked Together Matched Forever
- List of DVDs
- List of episodes
- List of season 1 episodes
- List of season 2 episodes
- List of season 3 episodes
- Little Gigi
- Longest Day Ever
- Lost and Found
- Lucia Castellano Paz
- Lucy
- Lucy (Shimmer and Shine)
- Lulu
- Lumos Tree
- MPAA Dolby Stereo IATSE Walt Disney Records 1996
- MPAA G Rating
- Magic Carpet Song
- Magic map
- Make The Bracelet Move
- Make a Wish
- Makin' Rainbows
- Manetikar
- Mara
- Masquerade Charade
- Merchandise
- Mermaid Gem
- Mermaid Mayhem
- Message Wall:GeniesDivine
- Miguel
- Minecraft Zahramay
- Minu
- Misha
- Misha's Palace
- Miss Squirrel
- Mistake Song
- Mom and Dad's Visit
- Mona the Potion Teacher
- Motion Picture Association of America
- Mount Navine
- Mountain Tops/Snowy Mountains
- My Secret Genies
- My Secret Genies/Gallery
- My Secret Genies/Transcript
- Nadia
- Nadia's Palace
- Nahal
- Nahal/Gallery
- Nassi
- Nazboo
- Nazboo's Dragon Family Caper
- Nazboo's Family Reunion
- Nazboo's Magic Kazoo
- Nazboo's Magic Robe
- Nazboo Come Home
- Nazboo Loses a Tooth
- Nick Jr: Shimmer and Shine Shorts
- Nick Jr Shimmer and Shine
- Nickelodeon
- Nila
- Nila Out of Water
- Nissa
- Nopal
- North Pole
- Now You See Her
- Ocean Areas
- Ocean Cave
- Oceans Collide
- Online Games
- PAL The WB Shield
- Par-Tea Time
- Paramount+
- Parisa
- Pet Bedrooms
- Pet Games
- Pets to the Rescue
- Petting Farm
- Pilot
- Pluto TV
- Pool Party
- Potion Control
- Potion School
- Powerful Artist
- Princess Adara
- Princess Samira
- Princess Ula
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Ruins
- Rainbow Waterall Gateway
- Rainbow Waterfalls
- Rainbow Zahramay
- Rainbow Zahramay (Song)
- Rainbow Zahramay (location)
- Rainbow Zahramay Portal
- Rainbows to the Rescue
- Razboo, Kazboo, and Frank
- Rocket
- Rocket's Big Bark
- Roger O. Williams
- Rohan
- Roya
- Rubi
- Runaway Rainbow
- Samira's lightsaber
- Samira's palace
- Samira and Zeta
- Santa's Little Genies
- Santa Claus
- Sarah
- Sarah's Dance School
- Scallywag
- Sea Monster
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Season 4
- Shaun
- Shaya
- Shayla
- Shayla's Palace
- Shimmer
- Shimmer/Gallery
- Shimmer and Shine
- Shimmer and Shine's Palace
- Shimmer and Shine: Genie Tales
- Shimmer and Shine: Rainbow Waterfall Adventure
- Shimmer and Shine: The Great Zahramay Falls Race
- Shimmer and Shine: Thriller (2024)
- Shimmer and Shine: Thriller (2024) with Shimmer and Shine Characters
- Shimmer and Shine: Zeta Potion Power
- Shimmer and Shine 2002 Closing Credits
- Shimmer and Shine Adventures of LazyTown
- Shimmer and Shine Adventures of LazyTown Credits
- Shimmer and Shine Books
- Shimmer and Shine Coloring Books
- Shimmer and Shine Magic Carpet
- Shimmer and Shine Songs
- Shimmer and Shine Theme Song
- Shimmer and Shine Wiki
- Shimmer and Shine universe
- Shimmer and Shine’s Halloween Adventures 1999 ending credits
- Shimmer and Shine’s Palace
- Shimmer and shine (live-action TV series)
- Shimmer y Shine (Latin American Spanish)
- Shine
- Shine's lightsaber
- Shine/Gallery
- Size of the Beholder
- Skateboard Stadium
- Sleep-Over Party
- Sleep-Over Party/Transcript
- Sneaky Squeaky Chicken
- Sneaky Switcheroo
- Snow Place We'd Rather Be
- Snow Time to Spare
- Sony Dynamic Digital Sound
- Space
- Spaceship Wrecked
- Squeaky Toys
- Staffinated
- Starberries
- Starry Night Sleepover
- Sunny Pink Girl
- Surfing the Skies
- Tala
- Tala/Gallery