An animated glob of Gooey Gummy Genie Jelly candy accidentally created by Leah and her genies in training.
"The Glob" when a piece of Gooey Gummy Genie Jelly fell into a potion that had spilled when a storm called a Glitternado hit Shimmer and Shine's palace.Named by Leah, Gobi is both friendly and curious, but is also very sticky, which causes objects and people to stick to him quite easily. He is shown to have a naïve and childlike personality. He is also quite bouncy and can stretch his arms, though his stickiness can sometimes cause problems. However, when the Glitternado hits Zahramay Falls Market Place, he helps Leah and her genies rescue some genies that had gotten pulled into the storm by using his stickiness to grab onto the two genies, saving them. Trivia[]
Gobi the Glob